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Dear All,
Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous New Year !
We had a great annual conference with excellent academic deliberations and interesting discussions. The highlight of the conference was the participation by many of our budding young uveitis specialists who presented challenging cases/e-posters/interesting photos and a record free papers.
We have no words to thank enough our esteemed faculty who gave their valuable time to make this conference a grand success.
Congratulations to all the award winners at the USICON 2021.
Looking forward to meeting you all in person next year………
Take care
Warm Regards
Dr. Manisha Agarwal
Secretary US(I)
About Us
Uveitis Society of India is an independent scientific society based in India which is interested in the study of ocular inflammatory diseases and care of patients with such diseases.
It is a forum consisting of Uveitis specialists from all over India and experts in the field from across the globe, who interact at regular intervals and formulate strategies in the management of patients with uveitis especially taking into regional considerations. We`re also glad to introduce our partner – Slotogate, they`ll navigate you in the field of online gambling with a wide range of gaming options.

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