Dr. Amod Gupta in North India, Dr. Rajeeve Buddi in Central India, Dr Jyotirmay Biswas and Dr SR Rathinam in South India took interest in Uveitis in the early nineties. Dr. Rajeev Buddi conducted three All India Uveitis meetings at L.V. Prasad Eye Institute during 1996-98 in a grand way. Dr. Narsing A Rao, mentor and teacher of Dr J. Biswas and Dr. Buddi was instrumental behind the formation of the current Uveitis Society of India. He inspired Dr. Amod Gupta, Dr. J. Biswas and Dr Sangwan to take the initiative in the formation of a society. Uveitis Society of India (USI) was founded in the year 1999. Founder President, Dr Amod Gupta and founder secretary cum treasurer Dr Sangwan made the group active.
Subsequently Dr J Biswas followed by Dr SR Rathinam took over the president-ship. Since the formation of the society, the membership has grown fast. Young and energetic participants from all over the country representing almost all the states of India have joined the society. We now have about 120 active members. Majority of the members actively participate in the annual conferences. Annual meetings are conducted every year in different states. Each meeting will have well experienced National and International faculty. To support young investigators/clinicians to take part and present their work in the society meetings best papers submitted by the investigators are selected for Dr. Narsing Rao’s best paper award which was established in 2003 and Dr Carl Herbort’s travel grant award which was established in year 2006.

Dr. Narsing A Rao’s
Director of Uveitis & Ophthalmic Pathology
Dr. Narsing A Rao’s Contribution to USI
Dr. Narsing A Rao is the Director of Uveitis & Ophthalmic Pathology, Doheny Eye Institute, University of Southern California, USA. Being academically successful, he acts as a mentor for many Indian uveitis specialists, providing opinions and recommendations. He is an enthusiastic teacher to deal with students with different abilities and in fact students of different continents, often inspiring and challenging them to think and learn.
He has been instrumental in the conduct of several uveitis meetings at Hyderabad, Chandigarh and Madurai even prior to the formation of USI, He was bringing several foreign faculties to these meetings. In 2001, by his support first time, the prestigious International Uveitis Study Group (IUSG) meeting was held in Fisherman’s Cove in Chennai. He has also made generous contributions to the funds of Uveitis Society of India and lends continuous support till date.